Purpose Driven What? Life?

December 2, 2009

What is the purpose of life?

What is the purpose of a Christian?

Does each person have a unique purpose or do we all fall under a general purpose?

Is there a reason we close our eyes when we pray and not look up toward the heavens?

Why do we pray before we eat?  Or consult God before we choose a profession?

Why?  Why?  Why?  Any reasons?

Rick Warren’s book, Purpose Driven Life (heard of it? 😉 ), is one of the best-selling books of all time.  Why?  Because people are passionate about finding their purpose. 

I am wondering, have you found yours?

One Response to “Purpose Driven What? Life?”

  1. Brent Oh Says:

    # Purpose of Life
    . . The purpose of life should be Love.
    Love God even though God is silent to you.
    Love People even though People are silent to you.
    Such unconditional love will save your soul in future.

    # Prayer for someone
    . . Pray for someone, not yourself.
    . . Let us pray for each other, not ourself.
    . . You don’t need to pray for yourself because someone prays for you.

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