The reality is we all need cheerleaders in the stands.

Not the cheerleaders at NFL games (preferably someone who is fully clothed), but someone who is there to give us some recognition once in a while.

It is in Christians DNA to give glory to God (even if it is fake).  That is what we do.  All glory, praise, honor, ect. goes to God.

So, we need to be careful that we don’t forget about volunteers.  We need to show our appreciation to volunteers and give them a well done or a great job.  I don’t think God is afraid of Pastors or Churches giving praise to people, but we tend to get uneasy when the “praising of people” thing is discussed.

I think that we should take Romans 12:10 to heart.

“Honor one another above yourselves.”

Point # 3 — If it’s deserving, GIVE IT!